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Chinese translation for "yeast cell"

[-plant] 酵母,酵母菌。

Related Translations:
yeast:  n.1.酵母(菌)。2.发酵粉;酵母饼,酵母片。3.泡,泡沫。4.动乱,激动。短语和例子Chinese yeast 酒药。
yeast cake:  1.(发面用的)酵母饼。2.发酵的糕。
yeast powder:  发酵粉。
Example Sentences:
1.The vacuoles of yeast cells represents persistent organelles .
2.Research report on technology of yeast cell disruption
3.Display of the envelope protein of d2 - 43 on yeast cells surface
4.Synthesis of sio2 nanostructured materials by yeast cell as templates
5.Yeast cell activation method of hemaimmune reaction road map experimental system
6.Glutathione biosynthesis by the immobilized yeast cell with - carrgeenin - konjac flour
7.Study on the estrogenic activities of ddt pesticides based on the gene recombinant yeast cell
8.In the yeast cell , a bulbous projection , the bud , appears at one portion of the cell wall
在酵母细胞中球茎状的突出物- -芽体出现在一部分细胞壁的上面。
9.This model organism can be as simple as a yeast cell or as complex as a nematode worm , fruitfly , or even a mouse
10.The result shows that mms can induce dna - damage of yeast cells and the situation of dna - damage aggravated with increase of mms concentration
结果显示mms能够引起酵母细胞dna的损伤,并且随着mms浓度的增加dna损伤程度加重, 0 . 5 %琼脂糖凝胶电泳及eb染色显示1 ~ 。
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